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Showing posts from 2016

Tugas Sem 2 1617

#Jadual Pembahagian Pensyarah Unit Fizik Sem 2 1617 #Memo Cuti Sem 1 1617 #Rames Sem 2 1617 #Visi Misi BMKPM #Kalendar Akademik 2016/2017 #Jadual Pra Audit Dalam Unit Fizik #Garis Panduan Teaching Portfolio #Contoh Kerangka Teaching Portfolio #Carta Organisasi Jabatan Sains (update : 18hb Disember 2016) #KPI Jabatan Sains 2017 #Maklumat Kemaskini Kalendar Akademik 2016/2017 #Cover Teaching Portfolio #Contoh Surat memohon kebenaran - urus anak #Senarai semak proses 1 - En Rosdi #Senarai semak teaching portfolio baru #Jadual Peperiksaan PSPM 2 PST 2017 #Program FIzik Amali KMTJ 2 Februari 2017 #RP versi terkini - kuatkuasa 1 Feb 2017 #Contoh RP versi terkini - kuatkuasa 1 Feb 2017 #Rekod Konsultasi Akademik RKA - Kuatkuasa 1 Feb 2017

Deep Programme

Deep Part 1 - Assessment to PSPM Deep Part 2 - Command words Deep Part 3 - Tips answering graph question  Deep Part 4 - PYQ 2015/2016 Deep Part 5 - PYQ 2014/2015   Skema Jawapan Deep Part 4 - Graph PSPM Scheme Deep Part 4 - PSPM 2015/2016 Deep Part 5 - PSPM 2014/2015  (tiada password.sudah update.maaf atas kekosongan) # Password  - rujuk MS36  Deep Week 20 Question Question Deep 7A Question Deep 7B Question Deep 7C Answer Answer Deep 7A Answer Deep 7B Answer Deep 7C Deep Week 19 Question Question Deep 6A Question Deep 6B   Answer Answer Deep 6A Answer Deep 6B

Perjalanan Seribu batu bermula dengan Langkah Pertama

Soalan-soalan Berkaitan PAL

Salam..semua student dibenarkan mengambil soalan-soalan PAL. Mohon rujuk kepada jawapan yang dicadangkan. Good Luck!! Pal Workshop Question Pal Buddies Question Pal Worshop Answer PAL Week 20 Q7A PAL Week 20 Q7B PAL Week 20 Q7C PAL Week 20 A7A PAL Week 20 A7B PAL Week 20 A7C   Update : 10/11/2016

Jawapan Topical Exercise Sem 1 2016/2017

Salam pada semua pelajar. Berikut adalah panduan skema jawapan untuk soalan Topical exercise yang dicadangkan. Mohon Semua pelajar membuat soalan ini dahulu dan merujuk jawapan ini sebagai panduan. Sekiranya ada masalah berkenaan jawapan, mohon komen di ruang komen. Tq semua Chapter 1 : Q1 and Q2 Chapter 1 : Q3 and Q4 Chapter 1 : Q5 and Q6 Chapter 1 : Q6c Chapter 2 : Q1 and Q2 Chapter 2 : Q3 and Q4 and Q5 Chapter 2 : Q6 and Q7 and Q8 Chapter 2 : Q9 and Q10 Chapter 2 : Q11 and Q12 Chapter 2 : Q13 Chapter 2 : Q14 Chapter 2 : Q15   Chapter 8 : Q1 and Q2 Chapter 8 : Q3

Skema Follow up.

Pastikan setiap soalan follow up dibuat sebelum merujuk kepada skema jawapan. Good Luck... SEMESTER 1 1617 Follow up Chapter 1 Follow up Chapter 2 Follow up Chapter 3 Follow up Chapter 4 Follow up Chapter 5 Follow up Chapter 6 Follow up Chapter 7 Follow up Chapter 8 Follow up Chapter 9 Follow up Chapter 10 Follow up Chapter 11 Follow up Chapter 12 Follow up Chapter 13 Follow up Chapter 14 Follow up Chapter 15 SEMESTER 2 1617 Follow up Chapter 1_Electrostatics Follow up Chapter 2_Capacitors Follow up Chapter 3_Electrics Follow up Chapter 4_Magnetic Field Follow up Chapter 5 : Electromagnetic Induction Follow up Chapter 6 : Alternating Curent Follow up Chapter 7 : Geometrical Optics Follow up Chapter 8 : Physical Optics Follow up Chapter 9 : Photo electric Effect Follow up Chapter 10 : Wave Properies of particle Follow up Chapter 11 : Nucleus Follow up Chapter 12 : Nuclear Reaction Follow up Chapter 13 : Radioactivity (updated : 31 Januari 2017)

Cara Belajar...

Pembelajaran di Tutoran - K1MS1 sesi 2016/2017

Pastikan anda 4 Flat

Minggu Asimilasi

Minggu 1 Soalan Minggu 1 Jam 1&2, Minggu 2 Jam 1 - Worksheet 1 Soalan Pretest asimilasi 1  dan   Prestest asimilasi 1(continued)   #Pretest PRINT# Skema Pre Test Skema worksheet 1 : Conversion Unit Minggu 2 Soalan Minggu 2 Jam 1 Asimilasi -Vector Operational Soalan Minggu 2 Jam 2 Asimilasi - Vector Soalan Post Test Asimilasi 1 dan Post Test Asimilasi 1(continued) Skema vector operational 1.1  Skema vector operational 1.2 skema vector operational 1.3 Skema Post Test #PostTest PRINT#   Skema Vector 1(asimilasi) ,  continue 1 , continue 2